
Showing posts from January, 2018

Dominance Hierarchies Demystified

“For every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away that which he hath” Matthew 25:29  I get it, you may or may not be spiritual or even a believer of the Bible but these stinging words of Jesus are still relevant today. Let’s face it we are all part of an interconnected system of hierarchies.  These hierarchies are split between the two kinds of people He said: He that and he that not. In other words the rich and the poor, the famous well-to-do and the guys nobody cares living in abject poverty, the talented and the talent-less. In this article I want to delve on how you can rise in any given hierarchy. If that sounds interesting lets hop into it: You would think that with this self-evident marvel people will accept the fact we are not meant to be the same. We may try to be but never will be. We may pretend to be but never will be. Why? It is because the ones with something will have more and those with nothing will lose